The website site (hereinafter, the “Website”) is the property of NORTEM CHEM, S.L. (hereinafter, the “COMPANY”), registered office in C/ Alexander Humboldt no. 12, IP. Las Salinas – 11500 El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) CIF B95234191. Registered in the Commercial Register of Cadiz, volume 2065, folio 191, Sheet CA-44093, inscription 2.

The COMPANY welcomes and invites you to read carefully the General Conditions of Use of this Website (hereinafter, the “General Conditions of Use”) that describe the terms and conditions that will be applicable to your navigation through it, in accordance with the established Spanish regulations of application. Since the COMPANY may change these Terms of Use in the future, we recommend that you visit them periodically to be duly informed of any changes.

In order that the use of the Website conforms to criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, the COMPANY informs the User that any suggestion, doubt or query about the General Conditions of Use will be received and resolved by contacting the COMPANY via email:

1. Object.

The COMPANY provides the content and services that are available on the web-site, subject to these present General Conditions of Use as well as the policy on the processing of personal data (hereinafter the “Data Protection Policy”). Access to this web-site or its use in any form is granted the term “User” and implies the unreserved acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions of Use, the COMPANY reserves the right to modify at any moment.

Consequently, it will be the responsibility of each User, the careful reading of the General Conditions of Use in force on each of the occasions in which you access this Website, so if the latter does not agree with any of the same herein, you must refrain from using this Website.

In addition, you are advised that, on occasions, particular conditions may be established for the use on the Website of specific content and/or services, the use of such content or services will imply acceptance of the conditions specified in them.

2. Services.

Through the web-site, the COMPANY offers the users the possibility of access to: Information about the company, its contact details, its products and services, its rates, its commercial offers, its location –  A contact section to make inquires providing your personal data – Links to access social networks (hereinafter the “Services”)

3. Privacy and Data Processing.

The COMPANY processes your personal data in accordance with (EU) Regulations 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of physical persons in respect of the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data repealing Directive 95/46/CE (General Data Protection Regulation) and the LO 3/2018. The information about personal data according to article 13, section 2 of the cited regulation and the LO 3/2018, can be consulted here.

4. Industrial and Intellectual Property.

The user acknowledges and accepts that all of the content displayed on the web-site and in particular, designs, texts, images, logos, icons, buttons, software, commercial names, trademarks, or any other signs of industrial and/or commercial use are subject to Intellectual Property rights and all trademarks, commercial names or distinctive signs, all industrial and Intellectual property rights about the content and any other inserted element on the page are

the exclusive property of the COMPANY and/or third parties, who have the exclusive right to use them in economic traffic. Therefore, the user undertakes not to reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or any other form of communicating publicly, to transfer or modify such content while keeping the COMPANY harmless from any claim arising from the non-compliance with such obligations. In no case does access to the Website imply any kind of waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of such rights, unless expressly stated otherwise. These General Conditions of Use of the Website do not confer on Users any other right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the Website and/or its Contents other than those herein expressly provided. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to the prior and expressed authorisation specifically granted for this purpose by the COMPANY or the third party named for the affected rights.

The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, computer programs, source codes and in general any intellectual creation existing on this site, as well as the site as a whole, as a multimedia artistic work are protected as copyright of the author according to intellectual and material property law.  The COMPANY owns the elements that make up the graphic design of the Website, menus, navigation buttons, HTML code, texts, images, textures, graphics and any other content of the Website or, in any case, has the corresponding authorisation for the use of such elements. The content provided on the Website may not be reproduced in whole or in part, or transmitted, or recorded by any information retrieval system, in any form or in any means, unless prior written authorization is available from the said Entity.

It is also forbidden to delete, circumvent and/or manipulate the “copyright” as well as the technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that may contain the contents. The User of this Website undertakes to respect the rights stated and to avoid any action that could harm them, reserving in any case the COMPANY the exercise of any means or legal action that corresponds to it in defence of its legitimate intellectual property rights.

5. Obligations and Responsibilities of the Website User.

El Usuario se compromete a:

  • Hacer un uso adecuado y lícito del Sitio Web así como de los contenidos y servicios, de conformidad con: (i) la legislación aplicable en cada momento; (ii) las Condiciones Generales de Uso del Sitio Web; (iii) la moral y buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas y (iv) el orden público.
  • Proveerse de todos los medios y requerimientos técnicos que se precisen para acceder al Sitio Web.
  • Facilitar información veraz al cumplimentar con sus datos de carácter personal los formularios contenidos en el Sitio Web y a mantenerlos actualizados en todo momento de forma que responda, en cada momento, a la situación real del Usuario. El Usuario será el único responsable de las manifestaciones falsas o inexactas que realice y de los perjuicios que cause a la EMPRESA  o a terceros por la información que facilite.

No obstante lo establecido en el apartado anterior el Usuario deberá asimismo abstenerse de:

a) Hacer un uso no autorizado o fraudulento del Sitio Web y/o de los contenidos con fines o efectos ilícitos, prohibidos en las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso, lesivos de los derechos e intereses de terceros, o que de cualquier forma puedan dañar, inutilizar, sobrecargar, deteriorar o impedir la normal utilización de los servicios o los documentos, archivos y toda clase de contenidos almacenados en cualquier equipo informático.

b) Acceder o intentar acceder a recursos o áreas restringidas del Sitio Web, sin cumplir las condiciones exigidas para dicho acceso.

c) Provocar daños en los sistemas físicos o lógicos del Sitio Web, de sus proveedores o de terceros.

d) Introducir o difundir en la red virus informáticos o cualesquiera otros sistemas físicos o lógicos que sean susceptibles de provocar daños en los sistemas físicos o lógicos de la EMPRESA, de sus proveedores o de terceros.

e) Intentar acceder, utilizar y/o manipular los datos de la EMPRESA, terceros proveedores y otros Usuarios.

f) Reproducir o copiar, distribuir, permitir el acceso del público a través de cualquier modalidad de comunicación pública, transformar o modificar los contenidos, a menos que se cuente con la autorización del titular de los correspondientes derechos o ello resulte legalmente permitido.

g) Suprimir, ocultar o manipular las notas sobre derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial y demás datos identificativos de los derechos de la EMPRESA o de terceros incorporados a los contenidos, así como los dispositivos técnicos de protección o cualesquiera mecanismos de información que puedan insertarse en los contenidos.
h) Obtener e intentar obtener los contenidos empleando para ello medios o procedimientos distintos de los que, según los casos, se hayan puesto a su disposición a este efecto o se hayan indicado expresamente en las páginas web donde se encuentren los contenidos o, en general, de los que se empleen habitualmente en Internet por no entrañar un riesgo de daño o inutilización del sitio web y/o de los contenidos.

i) En particular, y a título meramente indicativo y no exhaustivo, el Usuario se compromete a no transmitir, difundir o poner a disposición de terceros informaciones, datos, contenidos, mensajes, gráficos, dibujos, archivos de sonido y/o imagen, fotografías, grabaciones, software y, en general, cualquier clase de material que:

  • (i) De cualquier forma sea contrario, menosprecie o atente contra los derechos fundamentales y las libertades públicas reconocidas constitucionalmente, en los Tratados Internacionales y en el resto de la legislación vigente.
  • (ii) Induzca, incite o promueva actuaciones delictivas, denigratorias, difamatorias, violentas o, en general, contrarias a la ley, a la moral, a las buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas o al orden público.
  • (iii) Induzca, incite o promueva actuaciones, actitudes o pensamientos discriminatorios por razón de sexo, raza, religión, creencias, edad o condición.
  • (iv) Incorpore, ponga a disposición o permita acceder a productos, elementos, mensajes y/o servicios delictivos, violentos, ofensivos, nocivos, degradantes o, en general, contrarios a la ley, a la moral y a las buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas o al orden público.
  • (v) Induzca o pueda inducir a un estado inaceptable de ansiedad o temor.
  • (vi) Induzca o incite a involucrarse en prácticas peligrosas, de riesgo o nocivas para la salud y el equilibrio psíquico.
  • (vii) Se encuentra protegido por la legislación en materia de protección intelectual o industrial perteneciente a la EMPRESA o a terceros sin que haya sido autorizado el uso que se pretenda realizar.
  •  (viii) Sea contrario al honor, a la intimidad personal y familiar o a la propia imagen de las personas.
  •  (ix) Constituya cualquier tipo de publicidad.
  • (x) Incluya cualquier tipo de virus o programa que impida el normal funcionamiento del Sitio Web.

Si para acceder a algunos de los servicios y/o contenidos del Sitio Web, se le proporcionara una contraseña, se obliga a usarla de manera diligente, manteniéndola en todo momento en secreto. En consecuencia, será responsable de su adecuada custodia y confidencialidad, comprometiéndose a no cederla a terceros, de manera temporal o permanente, ni a permitir el acceso a los mencionados servicios y/o contenidos por parte de personas ajenas. Igualmente, se obliga a notificar a la EMPRESA cualquier hecho que pueda suponer un uso indebido de su contraseña, como, a título enunciativo, su robo, extravío o el acceso no autorizado, con el fin de proceder a su inmediata cancelación. En consecuencia, mientras no efectúe la notificación anterior, la EMPRESA quedará eximida de cualquier responsabilidad que pudiera derivarse del uso indebido de su contraseña, siendo de su responsabilidad cualquier utilización ilícita de los contenidos y/o servicios del Sitio Web por cualquier tercero ilegítimo.

Si de manera negligente o dolosa incumpliera cualquiera de las obligaciones establecidas en las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso, responderá por todos los daños y perjuicios que de dicho incumplimiento pudieran derivarse para la EMPRESA.

6. Responsibilities.

The User agrees to:

Make a proper and lawful use of the Website as well as the contents and services, in accordance with: (i) the applicable legislation at all times; (ii) the General Conditions of Use of the Website; (iii) generally accepted morals and good customs and (iv) public order.

Provide all the means and technical requirements that are required to access the Website.

Provide truthful information by filling in your personal data the forms contained in the Website and keeping them updated at all times so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the User. The User shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for the damages caused to the COMPANY or third parties for the information you provide.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous section, the User must also refrain from:

a) Make unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Website and/or the contents for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in these General Conditions of Use, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of services or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment.

b) Access or attempt to access resources or restricted areas of the Website, without fulfilling the conditions required for such access.

c) Cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the Website, its suppliers or third parties.

d) Introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the COMPANY, its suppliers or third parties.

e) Attempt to access, use and/or manipulate the data of the COMPANY, third party providers and other Users.

f) Reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights or resulting in the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights legally permitted.

g) Delete, hide or manipulate notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and other data identifying the rights of the COMPANY or third parties incorporated into the contents, as well as technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that can be inserted into the contents.

h) Obtain and attempt to obtain the contents using means or procedures other than those, as the case may be, that have been made available for this purpose or have been expressly indicated on the web pages where the contents are located or, in general , commonly used on the Internet because they do not involve a risk of damage or disabler of the website and/or the contents.

i) In particular, and by way of indication and not exhaustive, the User undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material that:

(i) in any way is contrary, disparages or violates the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized constitutionally, in the International Treaties and the rest of existing legislation.

(ii) Induce, incite or promote criminal, denigrating, defamatory, violent or, in general, contrary to the law, morality, generally accepted good customs or public order.

(iii) Induce, incite or promote discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts based on sex, race, religion, belief, age or condition.

(iv) Incorporate, make available or allow access to products, elements, messages and/or services criminal, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading or, in general, contrary to the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or Public order.

(v) Induces or may induce an unacceptable state of anxiety or fear.

(vi) Induce or incite to engage in practices that are dangerous, risky or harmful to mental health and balance.

(vii) It is protected by the legislation on intellectual or industrial protection belonging to the COMPANY or third parties without having been authorized the intended use.

(viii) It is contrary to honour, personal and family privacy or the self-image of individuals.

(ix) It constitutes any type of advertising.

(x) Include any type of virus or program that prevents the normal functioning of the Website.

If to access some of the services and/or contents of the Website, you are provided with a password, you are obliged to use it diligently, keeping it secret at all times. Consequently, it will be responsible for its proper custody and confidentiality, committing not to assign it to third parties, temporarily or permanently, or to allow access to the aforementioned services and / or contents by outsiders. Likewise, it is obligated to notify the COMPANY of any event that may involve an improper use of your password, such as, but not limited to, its theft, loss or unauthorized access, in order to proceed with its immediate cancellation. Consequently, until making the above notification, the COMPANY will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse of its password, being its responsibility any unlawful use of the contents and / or Services of the Website by any illegitimate third party.

If you negligently or wilfully breach any of the obligations set out in these General Conditions of Use, you will be liable for all damages that may arise for the COMPANY.

7. Hyperlinks.

The User undertakes not to reproduce in any way, even through a hyperlink, the Web Site of the company, as well as any of its contents, without the express written permission of the company.

The COMPANY’s Website includes links to other websites managed by third parties, in order to facilitate the User’s access to the information of collaborating companies and/or sponsors. In accordance with this, the COMPANY is not responsible for the content of such websites, nor is it in a position of guarantor or /or party offering the services and / or information that may be offered to third parties through the links of third parties.

The User is granted a limited, revocable and non-exclusive right to create links to the main page of the Website exclusively for private and non-commercial use. Websites that link to our Website (i) may not imply that the COMPANY recommends that website or its services or products (ii) may not misrepresent your relationship with the COMPANY or assert that the COMPANY has authorized such a link, or include trademarks, names, trade names, logos or other distinctive signs of the COMPANY; (iii) may not include content that may be considered distasteful, obscene, offensive, controversial, inciting violence or discrimination on the basis of sex, race or religion, contrary to public order or unlawful; (iv) may not link to any page of the Website other than the home page; (v) you must link to the Website’s own address, without allowing the website that makes the link to reproduce the Website as part of its website or within one of its “frames” or create a “browser” on any of the pages of the Website. The COMPANY may request, at any time, to remove any link to the Website, after which it must immediately proceed to its deletion. The COMPANY cannot control the information, content, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to the Website.

Accordingly, the COMPANY assumes no responsibility for any aspect relating to such websites.

8. Cookies.

You can consult the information about cookies by accessing this LINK

9. Duration and termination.

The provision of the service of this Website and the other services have in principle an indefinite duration. However, the COMPANY may terminate or suspend any of the services of the portal. Where possible, the COMPANY shall announce the termination or suspension of the provision of the particular service.

10. Statements and Warranties.

 In general, the contents and services offered on the Website are for information purposes only. Therefore, by offering them, the COMPANY makes no warranty or representation in relation to the contents and services offered on the Website, including, but not limited to, guarantees of legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, or merchantability, except to the extent that such representations and warranties cannot be excluded by law.

11. Force Majeure.

THE COMPANY shall not be liable in any event of impossibility to provide services, if it is due to prolonged interruptions of the power supply, telecommunication lines, social conflicts, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or fortuitous case.

12. Dispute Resolution. Applicable law and jurisdiction.

These General Conditions of Use, as well as the use of the Website, will be governed by Spanish law. Any dispute will be resolved in the courts of Cadiz.

In the event that any provision of these General Conditions of Use becomes unenforceable or void under applicable law or as a result of a judicial or administrative decision, such unenforceability or nullity will not cause the general Conditions of Use are unenforceable or void as a whole. In such cases, the COMPANY shall modify or replace such stipulation with another that is valid and enforceable and which, to the extent possible, achieves the objective and claim reflected in the original stipulation.


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